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最大限度地提高 DTF 打印机的性能:打印头的预防措施和维护技巧

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Microtec DTF打印机的多色300mm A3 DTF打印系统具有双XP600打印头,可以生产具有各种颜色,渐变和摄影图像的高质量印刷品。它可用于在各种材料上打印设计,包括T恤,连帽衫和袋子,牛仔裤,帽子等纺织品。

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What is benefits of Toshiba CE4 grayscale print head technology

Apex Marketing 2018-01-30 16:42:43
Unlike conventional binary print heads, this grayscale print head technology of jetting multiple drops within one dot allows for an image to have 8 level grayscale, since each dot is created through a minimum of 6 pl to a maximum of 42 pl of ink. This enables the image to express near photo quality. Revolutionary single pass speed quality printing is achievable with its unique precise piezo process and driving technologies, offering accurate dot placement and jetting reliability. Compatibility with both UV curable and oil based pigment ink allows printing on various types of substrate, both porous and non-porous. The CE4 is packaged print head with chassis which provides built-in water channel and complete sealing designed for easy temperature control. This head is delivered in a sealed Toshiba box with a head ID, waveform and voltage. This uv flatbed print head carries a product warranty.

Apex has produced Toshiba CE4 digital uv printer with size 70*100m, 2.5*1.3m.
You could choose according to your demand.