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Wir stellen den APEX UV 6090-Drucker mit i3200-Druckkopf vor: Die ultimative Lösung für vielseitiges und hochwertiges Drucken

Der Microtec UV 6090 Flachbettdrucker ist mit dem leistungsstarken i3200-Druckkopf ausgestattet und ermöglicht hochpräzises Drucken auf verschiedenen Materialien wie Acryl, Metall, Glas und Kunststoff. Dieser 60 x 90 cm große UV-Flachbettdrucker ist ideal für Beschilderungen, Verpackungen und Werbeartikel. Seine UV-Härtungstechnologie sorgt für schnell trocknende, langlebige Drucke von höchster Qualität. Perfekt für Unternehmen, die ihre Produktion mit Vielseitigkeit und Langlebigkeit skalieren möchten.

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What is UV Printing?

2016-09-12 15:13:24

UV printing is a form of digital printing that uses ultra-violet lights to dry or cure ink as it is printed. As the printer distributes ink on the surface of a material, specially designed UV lights follow close behind, curing - or drying - the ink instantly. This process allows for printing on a wide variety of surfaces such as wood or metal, carpet, tile, and even glass.

Typically used for commercial applications (retail and event signage), flatbed printing is often a substitute for screen-printing. Since no printing plates or silkscreens must be produced, digital printing technology allows shorter runs of signs to be produced economically.

Advantages of UV direct printing

1. Flexibility

    UV printing, you can print on almost any surface, absorbent or not.

2. High Print Qualities

    No more double passes through the press, no more re-runs. UV printing allows for high-gloss levels, vibrant colors, an array of coatings and printing that’s crisp and has a nice finished look. That’s because UV inks tend to sit on top of the printed surface, rather than being absorbed into it. The end result is sharper and crisper.


3. Durability

    UV printing is also more resistant to scratches, wear and tear, and sun exposure than its traditional printing counterparts.

4. Fast Curing Speeds

With UV printing, the ink is dry the moment it comes off the press. No more waiting for the ink to dry, no more waiting to do proofs, no more ghosting of images on the page above it. Instead, press checks are quick and you can move on to binding and finishing faster. Not only is it faster for your clients, it saves you time too.